Saturday, September 10, 2011

Review of Nicholas Olivo's Imperium

Ever wonder how a half god lives.....very carefully. He lives with a living statue and works for an organization called The Caulborn. This book's main character Vincent Corinthos is Caulborn. He works with others born with a Caul. Among his co workers, there is a gremlin named Gear-stripper, a guardian of the sword Excalibur named Galahan, a voodoo priestess, and a possible living vampire.
Gremlins, faeries, golems, and a host of other supernatural creatures enter the scene as Vincent's story unfolds.

This book was a little confusing at first with coded transmissions in front of the chapters but once I read Nicholas' guest post called Meanwhile, I understood what it was about. The story's main character is half god who uses his powers for an organization that is called Caulborn. The battle between the villains and Vincent's group is a great storyline and I found that I couldn't put the book down once I started reading it. The battle includes Vincent's followers called the Urisk from Bright Side and it seamlessly flows with the battles in Vincent's hometown of Boston. The main villain of the story is Treggen from the Bright Side who uses ex-Nazis as well as supernatural creatures who seeks to dominate the world of the Urisk. The classic battle of good and evil commences.

I recommend this book for urban fantasy lovers who enjoy reading about other supernatural creatures from legend. Nonstop fight scenes keeps the story moving.

I give this book 5 fairies for the exciting romp through the urban fantasy playground.

I look forward to reading the next book in the series;)

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