Monday, October 23, 2017





Unlike Cooper, who was a decent detective except when he was harping on me for something that wasn’t my fault, Hawke was a pen-clicking, brown-nosing dipshit who’d most recently mistaken me for a witch. Not the nice, sexy sort of witch either. More like the wart-covered, spell-casting type with knowledge of mind-altering potions and disfiguring hexes. I wasn’t sure if this included flying broomsticks, but most days I wouldn’t put it past Detective Doofus.
“That’s a whole lotta corral dust, Coop,” Harvey said.
Corral dust? That was a new one for me. Harvey had a way of speaking that often left me either scratching my head or fanning my cheeks.
 “I’ve seen you rip-roarin’ through town, tearin’ up the streets without your cherry lit too many times to recall.”
After shooting his uncle a glare, Cooper pointed at my speedometer. “Slow down, Parker, or I’ll give you a speeding ticket.”
I batted Cooper’s hand away. “You can’t give me a ticket when you’re not on duty. Hell, you’re not even wearing a tie or one of those bulky police utility belts.” Not to mention his short blond hair looked like he’d been trying to tear it out tuft by tuft.
#RATTLINGtheHEAT #AnnWCharles   

EBOOK Links:


Saturday, March 26, 2016



I wanted to give this series a try since I love Ann Charle’s work. I started my book review blog with her Nearly Departed in Deadwood Adventures with Violet Parker back in 2011. So I find it fitting to review another one of her series 5 years later. 

The Jackrabbit Series has 4 books in it so far. 
Dance of the Winnebagos 
Jackrabbit Junction Jitters 
The Great Jackalope Stampede 
The Rowdy Coyote Rumble  

This series is about the adventures of Claire Morgan and her rowdy sisters. This is a Women Sleuth Mystery and Romantic Suspense genre book series. Mystery and romantic suspense are not my usual genres to read but something about Claire’s adventures drew me in. I found the series very entertaining with just the right arc of mystery to keep me turning the pages in suspense. 

I like the whirlwind romances of all the sisters and they have the right touch of stubbornness and realism in their courtships. I found myself laughing out loud at some of their antics, especially with Manny, Chester and Gramps. I love those guys as they remind me of my deceased grandfather and his siblings with some of the conversations they had when I was as kid. It brought back good memories for me of those times. 

 When I started reading the books, I found myself growing very fond of Claire and her courtship with Mac and her interaction with her Gramps and his cohorts. This book will have you laughing in tears with some of the one liners they throw out there. As well as Claire and her sisters, a lot of other quirky characters come in to play throughout the series and it makes me dream about what it would be like if these characters were actually real people and how much fun I would have interacting with them. 

Claire is stubborn, willful, and a strong protagonist and I love all those qualities about her. It makes me smile to see some of her antics that she gets into. She means well and is always looking out for her family and that’s something that is a wonderful trait to read and experience. You can feel the love she has for her family even when they drive her crazy or land her in the local jail. 

 I would recommend this book for readers who like mystery and suspense with a lot of humor thrown in. This series will have you rolling around like a tumbleweed as you go from one mystery to another and leaves a smile on your face. You want to stand up and cheer for Claire and her family and shake your head in wonder when you see how they interact with one another. 

 I give this book series 5 fairies and look forward to reading about their Thanksgiving next!!! Pick up your copy of this entertaining romp of a good time and take a few minutes and share your laughter that will inevitably come around once you start reading this series. 

Ann Charles is a USA Today Best-Selling author who writes award-winning mysteries that are splashed with humor, romance, and whatever else sounds fun.

Currently, she has several fiction books available: NEARLY DEPARTED IN DEADWOOD (multiple award-winning book for both mystery and romance/mystery), OPTICAL DELUSIONS IN DEADWOOD, DEAD CASE IN DEADWOOD (selected as one of Suspense Magazine's BEST OF 2012 books), BETTER OFF DEAD IN DEADWOOD, AN EX TO GRIND IN DEADWOOD, and MEANWHILE, BACK IN DEADWOOD, which are all part of her ongoing Deadwood Mystery Series.
Also available from Ann are the first three books in her Jackrabbit Junction Mystery Series: DANCE OF THE WINNEBAGOS, JACKRABBIT JUNCTION JITTERS, and THE GREAT JACKALOPE STAMPEDE.

LOOK WHAT THE WIND BLEW IN, the first book in her new Dig Site Mystery series, is now listed on Amazon, too. This book stars Quint Parker, the brother of Violet Parker--the heroine in her Deadwood Mystery series. It's filled with mystery, humor, adventure, and a splash of romance.

She has a couple of short stories as well--DEADWOOD SHORTS: SEEING TROUBLE and BOOT POINTS (short stories from her Deadwood Mystery Series) and THE OLD MAN'S BACK IN TOWN (a short story from her upcoming Goldwash Mystery Series).

Stay tuned for the following new books by Ann coming in 2016:
* THE ROWDY COYOTE RUMBLE (Jackrabbit Junction Mystery Series #4)--early 2016
* TBA--(Deadwood Mystery Series #7)--Summer 2016

A member of Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America for many moons, Ann has a B.A. in English with an emphasis on creative writing from the University of Washington. She is currently toiling away on her next book, wishing she was on a Mexican beach with an ice-cold Corona in one hand and her Kindle in the other. When she is not dabbling in fiction, she is arm wrestling with her two kids, attempting to seduce her husband, and arguing with her sassy cat. Most nights, you can find her hanging out over at, on Facebook as Ann Charles, or as AnnWCharles on Twitter.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I'm pleased to be reading Ann Charles Jackrabbit Junction Mysteries!
I started my blog back in 2011 with her book Nearly Departed. Her book was the first one I reviewed.
Now 5 years later, I am again reading and reviewing another one of her series.
I'm currently reading this series and will have reviews up after I'm done reading the whole series.

I'm working on Book 2 right now!!!
Keep your eye on my page for the reviews!!!
In the meantime, check out Ann Charles website.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blood In Her Veins Blog Tour/Excerpt/Giveaway

I lifted one batch of pages and saw the photo of an old man, maybe in
his seventies, with sun-lined skin, sun spots, raised and rough age spots,
kinda brown and freckled all over. Faded blue eyes. He was mostly bald. A
narrow-eyed, mean-looking man, the kind who was raised on whuppin’s,
hardtack, and moonshine, and who hated the world. I flipped through the
three attached pages. The info said his name was Colonel Ernest Jackson,
but there was no mention of military service in the scant record.

The second file showed a digital photo of the vamp in question, Heyda
Cohen. She was tiny and very beautiful. Vamps offered people the change
for lots of reasons, and personal beauty was high on the list. But Heyda’s
intelligent, piercing eyes suggested that she was special in the other ways
as well.

“Heyda was in charge of my personal security and she was contacted
by that human man”— Ming pointed at his photo—“a communication
that carried a threat to me. She tracked him.” Ming’s speech, accented by
her native Asian language, sped up and her syntax grew more fractured.
“Then she met with that human and three of his followers. In a park. In
the city. Then she went away with him. Without contacting us or alerting
her support team, who were waiting in the park, watching. They allowed
her to leave, as she did not appear distressed. We do not know why she
left with him. She did not come home afterward.” 

Suddenly Ming was all but wringing her hands, leaning toward me in her chair,
shoulders tense. “The man refuses to see us. Refuses to allow us to see her. He hides in his
compound and . . .” She glanced up at her primo, and her face crumpled.
Her shoulders went up high, and Cai placed a hand on one in tender

Roc Trade Paperback 
560 pages 
Release: February 2, 2016 
ISBN: 978045147576

In the brand-new “Cat Fight,” the witches and vampires of Bayou, Oiseau, are a war over a magical talisman, and Jane must figure out how to keep the artifact out of the hands of the Master of New Orleans. And in the never-before-published “Bound No More,” Jane welcomes a visit from Molly and her daughter, Angie, who is about to prove she’s the most powerful witch in Everhart history…

From the Big Easy to the bad bayou, from the open road to a vampire’s lair — with Jane Yellowrock, it’s always a given…have stakes, will travel.

Purchase links 

(SHADOW RITES, book 11 in the Jane Yellowrock series, is coming out in April 2016. Pre-order now!)

Faith Hunter
Faith Hunter, fantasy writer, was born in Louisiana and raised all over the south. She writes three Urban Fantasy series:  the Skinwalker series, featuring Jane Yellowrock, a Cherokee skinwalker who hunts rogue vampires. The Soulwood series, featuring earth magic user Nell Ingram. And the Rogue Mage novels, a dark, urban, post-apocalyptic, fantasy series featuring Thorn St. Croix, a stone mage. (There is a role playing game based on the series, ROGUE MAGE.)
Under the pen name Gwen Hunter, she writes action-adventure, mysteries, and thrillers. As Faith and Gwen, she has 30+ books in print in 29 countries.
Hunter writes full-time, tries to keep house, and is a workaholic with a passion for travel, jewelry making, white-water kayaking, and writing. She and her husband love to RV, traveling with their rescued Pomeranians to whitewater rivers all over the Southeast.

Find Faith online at, her blog, on TwitterFacebook, and Goodreads; also, and


Giveaway #1


Giveaway #2  

Faith Hunter has a $25 Starbucks gift card for ONE commenter who comments on all the blogs who're hosting the story parts (i.e. guest post stops). Blog tour schedule is here: