Sunday, May 8, 2011

ARC Review For Optical Delusions in Deadwood by Ann Charles

ARC Review of Optical Delusions in Deadwood by Ann Charles
provided to me by the author Ann Charles
Check her page out!!!

An exciting trip back to Deadwood to visit with Violet-real-estate extraordinaire/part-time sleuth. This time with ghostly encounters in the mix. I liked how the story started just a short time after the first book ends. A rollicking romp through the streets of Deadwood sprinkled with sexual innuendo from Harvey,Violet's cantankerous friend to the steamy romance scenes between Doc & Violet. It all mixes together like lemons and sugar to make an inventive lemonade. I absolutely love Violet's eccentric kids. They remind me of some of the shenanigans of my children:)
The sexual tension between Doc & Violet left me with the desire to shake the two of them and say get with it and get together:)
The ghostly twist whet my appetite, wondering what other experiences are waiting in the wings for Violet and will she finally become a believer?
Another fun read that left me smiling. The ending left me anxiously awaiting book 3.
Bravo, Ann Charles for your wit and humor. Your masterful storytelling makes this a gem to read. I give it 5 fairies.
I recommend this book to readers who like mysteries, romance, with a dash of paranormal.

My Rating:


  1. Your blog is really cool; we don't have the same exact taste in reading, but that's what so much fun about blog-hopping, to check out other genres :) Is this book a separate book,or a short story or novella following the first one you also reviewed? Seems like it might appeal to me (I like to mix it up if a book out of my comfort zone seems interesting). Please feel free to stop by and check me out if you get a moment. Much good luck, Rae

  2. Both novellas:) I loved them. The writer Ann Charles is so down to earth. I got her mini book from a coworker.

  3. wow, I will have to check them out!
    PS...found you on book blogs :)

  4. That's great Elsie on both counts.

    Heather Powers


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